At Cat-Tec, we provide IT solutions across a broad range of industries. Our client list includes  national associations and chambers of commerce and their members as well as small and medium sized businesses in the financial services, real estate & development, food services & hospitality, manufacturing, farming, legal and medical industries.

National, Regional & City Chambers

The benefits of working with Cat-Tec for someone in the national, regional and city chambers industry:

  • Strategic IT investments with Cat-Tec can streamline business operations, improving efficiency and reducing overhead costs.

  • Our 24/7/365 monitoring and user support ensures quick issue resolution, ensuring your stay systems online and minimizing interruptions in your daily operations.

    • Cloud solutions allow your team and your members to access services and work remotely, improving their experience and engagement.

Real Estate & Development

The benefits of working with Cat-Tec for someone in the real estate and development industry:

  • Secure and Productive Site Offices are critical to your day-to-day operations. We keep your on site teams running 24/7/365.

  • Single phone number for your desk phone, your mobile phone and your computer or tablet. We ensure your leadership team is connected and fully operational wherever they are.

  • Staff turnover can be a challenge, we make onboarding and offboarding staff secure and seamless and track your IT assets so they can be re-deployed to the next user.

Financial & Legal

The benefits of working with Cat-Tec for someone in the financial & legal industry:

  • We ensure your data is secure and resilient so in the unlikely event of a cyber attack we minimize your down time to get you back up servicing your clients.

  • From your support staff to your advisors we ensure everyone is securely connected and fully operational wherever they are even if they are across the street or across the pond.

  • On going education plays a key role in both financial services and legal circles, we keep your team abreast of the latest security threats and test them every month to keep them on their toes to keep you, them and your clients safe from cyber attacks.

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